

1. Get on your deathbed 

2. Stay hungry 

3. Tell yourself a true lie

 4. Keep your eyes on the prize 

5. Learn to sweat in peace 

6. Simplify your life 

7. Look for the lost gold 

8. Push all your own buttons 

9. Build a track record 

10. Welcome the unexpected 

11. Find your master key 

12. Put your library on wheels 

13. Definitely plan your work 

14. Bounce your thoughts 

15. Light your lazy dynamite 

16. Choose the happy few 

17. Learn to play a role 

18. Don't just do something...sit there 

19. Use your brain chemicals 

20. Leave high school forever 

21. Learn to lose your cool 

22. Kill your television 

23. Break out of your soul cage 

24. Run your own plays 

25. Find your inner Einstein 

26. Run toward your fear 

27. Create the way you relate 

28. Try interactive listening 

29. Embrace your will power 

30. Perform your little rituals 

31. Find a place to come from 

32. Be your own disciple 

33. Turn into a word processor 

34. Program your biocomputer 

35. Open your present 

36. Be a good detective 

37. Make a relation-shift 

38. Learn to come from behind 

39. Come to your own rescue 

40. Find your soul purpose 

41. Get up on the right side 

42. Let your whole brain play 

43. Get your stars out

44. Just make everything up 

45. Put on your game face 

46. Discover active relaxation 

47. Make today a masterpiece 

48. Enjoy all your problems 

49. Remind your mind 

50. Get down and get small 

51. Advertise to yourself 

52. Think outside the box 

53. Keep thinking, keep thinking 

54. Put on a good debate 

55. Make trouble work for you 

56. Storm your own brain 

57. Keep changing your voice 

58. Embrace the new frontier 

59. Upgrade your old habits 

60. Paint your masterpiece today 

61. Swim laps underwater

62. Bring on a good coach

63. Try to sell your home 

64. Get your soul to talk 

65. Promise the moon 

66. Make somebody's day

67. Play the circle game 

68. Get up a game 

69. Turn your mother down 

70. Face the sun 

71. Travel deep inside 

72. Go to war

73. Use the 5% solution 

74. Do something badly 

75. Learn visioneering 

76. Lighten things up 

77. Serve and grow rich 

78. Make a list of your life

79. Set a specific power goal

80. Change yourself first 

81. Pin your life down

82. Take no for a question 

83. Take the road to somewhere

84. Go on a news fast 

85. Replace worry with action 

86. Run with the thinkers

87. Put more enjoyment in 

88. Keep walking 

89. Read more mysteries 

90. Think your way up 

91. Exploit your weakness 

92. Try becoming the problem 

93. Enlarge your objective 

94. Give yourself flying lessons 

95. Hold your vision accountable 

96. Build your power base 

97. Connect truth to beauty 

98. Read yourself a story 

99. Laugh for no reason 

100. Walk with love and death


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