

 Introduction: Jefferson’s Quran
PART ONE: Islam 101

1: Islam and End Times

2: From Revelation to Empire

3: Wahhabism and Salafism

4: Reestablishing the Caliphate

PART TWO: Thirteen Deadly Lies

Introduction to Part Two
Lie #1: “Islam is a religion of peace, and 
Islam terrorists aren’t really Muslims.”

Lie #2: “Islam is not much different than

Christianity or Judaism.”
Lie #3: “Jihad is a peaceful, internal struggle, not
a war against infidels.”
Lie #4: “Muslims don’t actually seek to live under
sharia, let alone impose it on others; there are so
many different interpretations of it anyway.

Lie #5: “America is safe from sharia law.”
Lie #6: “The Caliphate is a fanciful dream.”
Lie #7: “Islam is tolerant toward non-Muslims.”
Lie #8: “Addressing frustration, poverty, and
joblessness in the Muslim world—maybe even
climate change—will end terrorism.”
Lie #9: “Critics of Islam are bigots.”
Lie #10: “Islam respects the rights of women.”
Lie #11: “Iran can be trusted with a nuclear
Lie #12: “The Muslim Brotherhood is a moderate,
mainstream Islamic group.”
Lie #13: “Islam respects freedom of speech.”
PART THREE: What Can Be Don

One block from the U.S. Capitol sits the Library of
Congress. Housing more than 160 million books, manuscripts,
photographs, recordings, and maps, it’s the largest library in
the world. If you put its bookshelves together in a single line,
they would extend 838 miles.
e current collection owes its start to one of America’s
greatest Founding Fathers. Aer the Library of Congress was
burned to the ground by the British during the War of 1812,
omas Jefferson, then in retirement at Monticello, offered
once more to be of service to his young nation. Jefferson, who
owned the nation’s largest private collection of books—6,500
at the time—offered the entire lot to the newly rebuilt library
“for whatever price found appropriate.”
Jefferson was a voracious reader and a distinguished
intellect. Along with hundreds of books that matched his
varied interests was a well-worn two-volume set that he
believed offered his nation a warning.
Jefferson had bought these volumes, bound in leather and
Ä•lled with yellowed pages that crackled when you turned them,

forty years earlier when he’d been a young red-haired law
student in Williamsburg. By then he’d already developed a
reputation as a passionate debater in the service of justice—
even if it meant challenging the laws of the Crown. In 1765, the
young rabble-rouser had become known for his strident
opposition to Parliament’s passage of the Stamp Act, the latest
in a series of unjust taxes imposed by the British on the
colonies without representation.
As a student of the law, Jefferson was curious about laws of
many kinds, including those that had a voice in exotic lands or
claimed to carry the word of God. at is why, when he
wandered into the offices of the Virginia Gazette , the local
newspaper that doubled as a bookstore, one day in October
1765, Jefferson found the two-volume set so tantalizing.
Printed in London by a British lawyer named George Sale, the
books were one of the Ä•rst English translations of the Quran.
Aer paying sixteen shillings, omas Jefferson held in his
hands the holy book of Islam. He kept them among his
possessions for the following four decades.
When I Ä•rst heard that one of our nation’s Founding
Fathers owned one of America’s earliest copies of the Quran, I
endeavored to do some research on it. I was curious as to why
Jefferson, a man famously curious and cosmopolitan, but also
skeptical of organized religion, had it in his possession.
We don’t know exactly how closely omas Jefferson read
the Quran he owned. We do know that he is the only Founding
Father to have a basic understanding of Arabic. We do know
that he promoted and championed the creation of an Oriental

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