


Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Problem Solving
Chapter 2: Problem Solving Strategies
Chapter 3: The Problem Solving Cycle
Chapter 4: What is Critical Thinking? Exploring Various Aspects
Chapter 5: Critical Evaluation and Brain Mechanism Explained
Chapter 6: Applying Critical Thinking to Everyday Problems
Chapter 7: Improving Decision Making Skills
Chapter 8: Benefits of Improving Thinking Capacity and Decision


Thank you for downloading the book, Problem-Solving: Proven Strategies to
Mastering Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making.
In this day and age of cut throat competition, everybody is either trying to out-
think or out-do each other. Each and every aspect of life has now taken on a very
different dynamic and everything ultimately leads to just being a “contest.”
While running the race to win the coveted first prize, people try to apply as much
of their brain force as possible, in order to arrive at conclusive and advantageous
If you are one of those who is finding it tough to match the footsteps of such
lateral and “out of the box” thinkers, then you have come to the right place.
This eBook will be dedicated to the cause of understanding the concept of
critical thinking, analyzing its various aspects and looking at the different ways
in which you can implement it to derive all its benefits. It will also provide you
with detailed information on problem solving – the problems that we face and
also the procedure to use. There are examples that have been stated across the
book that will help you understand the situations better. You will find that
problem solving, critical thinking and decision making go hand in hand. It is
only through critical thinking and decision making that we will be able to
identify a solution to any problem. These problems could be small or very big.
But the process of problem solving is fool proof and helps you identify solutions
with ease.The chapters cover the different strategies that you could use to solve a problem.
There is also a detailed explanation on the problem solving cycle. This process is
usually used while working towards overcoming a problem.
Problem solving and critical thinking are usually directed towards managers and
supervisors in a company. However this is not true! Every human being faces
problems in life. This process can be used to deal with those problems as well.
The book will also look at your problem-solving skills and provide you with tips
to increase your brain power and utilize common sense solutions to solving
problems at an elevated rate.
This eBook will also help you improve your decision making capacity, and allow
you to make full use of your potential, in understanding how the human brain
works and how you can successfully improve your life by making the best use of
your mind power.
By the time you have finished reading this book, you will start to realize how
much more potential you have and be able to start to lay the groundwork for
implementing critical thinking in your life.
I want to thank you for downloading this eBook and hope it helps you improve
your problem solving and critical thinking skills.
Let us begin.

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