
The Ecology Book pdf Download.

 Book Name: The Ecology.

As a small child, I was fascinated by nature—birds, 

butterflies, plants, reptiles, fossils, rivers, weather, and much 

else. My youthful passions set me on the path to being a 

life-long naturalist, and to working as an environmentalist, 

studying the natural world and promoting action for its 

conservation. I have worked as a field ornithologist, writer, 

campaigner, policy advocate, and environmental advisor. All 

of these diverse interests and activities have, however, been 

linked by a single theme: ecology.

Ecology is a vast subject, embracing the many disciplines 

needed to understand the relationships that exist between 

different living things, and the physical worlds of air, water, 

and rock within which they are embedded. From the study 

of soil microorganisms to the role of pollinators, and from 

research into the water cycle to investigating Earth’s climate 

system, ecology involves many specialist areas. It also 

unites many strands of science, including zoology, botany, 

mathematics, chemistry, and physics, as well as some 

aspects of social science—especially economics—while 

at the same time raising profound philosophical and 

ethical questions. 

Because of the fundamental ways in which the human 

world depends on healthy natural systems, some of the most 

important political issues of our age are ecological ones. They 

include climate change, the effects of ecosystem damage, 

the disappearance of wildlife, and the depletion of resources, 

including fish stocks, freshwater, and soils. All these 

ecological changes have implications for people and are 

increasingly pressing.

Considering the huge importance of ecology for our 

modern world, and the many threads of thought and ideas 

that must be woven to gain an understanding of the subject, 

I am delighted that Dorling Kindersley decided to produce 

The Ecology Book, setting out the key concepts that have 

helped shape our understanding of how Earth’s incredible 

natural systems function. In the pages that follow readers 

will also discover something about the history of ecological 

concepts, the leading thinkers, and the different perspectives 

from which they approached the questions they sought 

to answer.

One thing that sets this book apart is the manner 

in which the rich, memorable, and attractive content 

is presented. A huge body of information and insight is 

effectively conveyed by clear layout, graphics, illustrations, 

and quotes, enabling readers to quickly achieve an 

understanding of many important ecological ideas and 

the people behind them: James Lovelock’s Gaia Hypothesis, 

Norman Myers’s warnings about impending mass extinction, 

and Rachel Carson’s work to expose the effects of toxic 

pesticides among them.

The diverse body of information found in the pages that 

follow could not be more important. For while the headlines 

and popular debate suggest it is politics, technology, and 

economics that are the vital forces shaping our common 

future, it is in the end ecology that is the most important 

context determining societies’ prospects, and indeed the 

future of civilization itself. 

I hope you find The Ecology Book to be an enlightening 

overview of what is not only the most important subject, but 

also the most interesting.

Tony Juniper CBE 



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