

 Chapter 1 The “Hard” Science of Studying and Developing 
Leader “Soft” Skills .................................................................. 1
 Ronald E. Riggio 
Foundational Models for Leader Interpersonal Skills 
and Competencies ....................................................................................... 9
 Chapter 2 Toward the Development of a Model and a Measure 
of Managerial Interpersonal Skills ....................................... 11
 Shaun Pichler and Gerard Beenen 
 Chapter 3 A Social Skills Model for Understanding the 
Foundations of Leader Communication ............................. 31
 Ronald E. Riggio 
Leader Emotional Competencies ............................................................. 51
 Chapter 4 Using a Multilevel Theory of Performance Based 
on Emotional Intelligence to Conceptualize and 
Develop “Soft” Leader Skills ................................................. 53
 Cary Cherniss and Richard E. Boyatzis 
 Chapter 5 The Role of Nonverbal Behavior in Leadership: 
An Integrative Review ........................................................... 73
 Annick Darioly and Marianne Schmid Mast 
 Chapter 6 A Conceptual Framework of Emotion Management 
in Leadership Contexts ....................................................... 101
 Shane Connelly, Tamara Friedrich, William B. Vessey, 
Amanda Klabzuba, Eric A. Day, and Gregory Ruark

Infl uence and Political Skills of the Leader ........................................... 139
 Chapter 7 Leader Ethos: How Character Contributes to 
the Social Infl uence of the Leader .................................... 141
 Peter L. Jennings and Sean T. Hannah 
 Chapter 8 Leader Political Skill and Team Effectiveness: 
The Positioning of Political Skill in the Framework 
of Leader Competencies ................................................... 173
 Darren C. Treadway, Ceasar Douglas, B. Parker Ellen III, 
James K. Summers, and Gerald R. Ferris 
 Chapter 9 Social Identity Framing: A Strategy of Social 
Infl uence for Social Change .............................................. 207
 Viviane Seyranian 
Implementing and Developing Leader Interpersonal 
and Infl uence Skills ................................................................................. 243
 Chapter 10 Leveraging the Science of Memory to Enhance 
the Effi cacy of Leader Communications .......................... 245
 Jay A. Conger 
 Chapter 11 Developing Capacity for Responsible Leadership: 
The Interactive Role of Identity and Competence 
Development ..................................................................... 256
 Craig R. Seal, Joanna Royce-Davis, Krystal Miguel, and 
Adrianna Andrews-Brown 
 Chapter 12 Soft Skills Training: Best Practices in Industry 
and Higher Education ...................................................... 276
 Susan Elaine Murphy, Stefanie Putter, and Stefanie K. Johnson 
 Chapter 13 Developing Emotional, Social, and Cognitive 
Competencies in MBA Programs: A Twenty-Five 
Year Perspective ................................................................. 311
 Richard E. Boyatzis, Angela Passarelli, and Hongguo Wei 
 Author Index ............................................................................................ 331
 Subject Index ............................................................................................ 345

Ronald E. Riggio, PhD, is the Henry R. Kravis Professor of Leadership and 
Organizational Psychology at Claremont McKenna College. Dr. Riggio’s 
research interests center on charismatic and transformational leadership, 
the role of communication skills in leader effectiveness, and the develop-
ment of leadership potential across the lifespan. He has published nearly 
two dozen authored or edited books and more than 150 articles and book 
chapters. He has also served as a consultant to dozens of organizations, 
large and small, across the business, education, and nonprofi t sectors. He 
is the co-editor, along with Georgia Sorenson, of the Routledge/Taylor & 
Francis book series Leadership: Research and Practice. 
 Sherylle J. Tan, PhD, is the Director of Internships and KLI Research at the 
Kravis Leadership Institute at Claremont McKenna College. Dr. Tan’s cur-
rent research focuses on undergraduate leadership education and program 
evaluation of leadership development programs. Specifi cally, the research 
on undergraduate leadership education seeks to establish an ongoing assess-
ment of the long-term impact of leadership development and training in 
higher education. Much of Dr. Tan’s research and publications focus on 
applying developmental theory and methods to understanding the issues 
of leadership development, women and leadership, work and family, and 
child development. Dr. Tan co-edited a book with Amy Marcus-Newhall 
and Diane Halpern, The Changing Realties of Work and Family: A Multi-
disciplinary Approach (2008). Additionally, Dr. Tan has more than 10 years 
of experience as an evaluation consultant for non profi t agencies providing 
services for children and families in Southern California. Dr. Tan has a BA 
in psychology from the University of California, Irvine and an MA and a 
PhD in psychology with an emphasis in applied developmental psychology 
from Claremont Graduate University. 
 About the Editors.

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