


Why You ShouldReadThis Book
From a very early age, we have been taught WHAT we need to learn -- but never HOW to learn
And while we may have done OK with that, the truth is -- you can unlock your brain to do MUCH
MORE than you probably think possible.
But to become a successful learner, y ou need some basic training.
And that's where this book comes in.
See, this bookwill show you how to rewire the way y our brain works.
When you go through the following pages and implement it, y ou can - and will - drastically
improve y our thinking in school, work, and life.
You'll be able to use the secrets of Leonardo DaVinci and Albert Einstein (who used mind maps)
to learn more meaningfully , efficiently, and effectively.
You'll be able to speed up y our learning.
You'll be significantly more creative.
You'll know how to thinkout of the box.
You'll learn to visually organize and integrate information so that y ou can thinkmore clearly and
powerfully .

You'll know how to take better, faster, and more efficient notes.
You'll improve your writing, study ing, brainstorming, and presenting skills.
You'll increase your memory stamina, being able to remember far more things than y ou thought
you could before.
You'll be able to break down the "information overload" coming at y ou and start to break down
complex information -- assimilating it, and then retaining it.
All of this will give you a cutting edge in school and in the workplace.
And it's exactly what you'll get from this book.
It doesn't matter if y ou're a student, teacher, professional, business owner, or an author --
ANYONE who wants change the way they plan and think for the better will get a lot of benefit
from this book.
And, to make sure y ou fully understand everything, we have taken each concept and drilled it
down into a step-by-step manner. Every step of the way comes with an illustrated diagram so
that y ou fully understand how to do everything.
So go through… read this book, implement it, and watch things start to majorly change for you.
And don't forget to take advantage of our FREE BONUS at the end -- a full 1 year trial of
ConceptDraw. Just sign up to our bonus page with your receipt # and you'll get automatic access.
Now, let’s get going.

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: What is Mind Mapping?
Chapter 2: Why Should I Use Mind Mapping?
Chapter 3: Elements of a Mind Map
Chapter 4: How to Make a Basic Mind Map
Chapter 5: How to Make an Advanced Mind Map
Chapter 6: Types of Mind Maps
Chapter 7: Mind Mapping Your Day
Chapter 8: Mind Maps for Studying and Note Taking
Chapter 9: Mind Maps for Reading and Writing
Chapter 10: Mind Maps for Entrepreneurs
Chapter 11: Conclusion
Legal Notice:
This ebook is copyright protected. This is only for personal use. You cannot amend, distribute,
sell, use, quote or paraphrase any part or the content within this ebook without the consent of the
author or copyright owner. Legal action will be pursued if this is breached.
Disclaimer Notice:
Please note the information contained within this document is for educational purposes only.
Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable complete information
no warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not
engaging in rendering legal, financial or professional advice.
By reading any document, the reader agrees that under no circumstances are we responsible for any losses, direct or indirect, which are incurred as a result of use of the information contained
within this document, including – but not limited to errors, omissions, or inaccuracies.

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