



Disclaimer i.

About Sound body YOGA & Foreword ii.

Table of Contents v.

What Is Yoga? 1

The Musculo-Skeletal System & Yoga 2

I. MechanicalAlignment & Posture 3

The Importance of Posture in Yoga

What is Optimum Posture?

Benefits of Optimum Posture

Determining Optimum Standing Posture 4 

Neutral Spine 5

What Is Neutral Spine?

Determining ‘Neutral Spine’ In Standing Posture?

The Core 6

Rib Cage Expansion & Shoulder Retraction 8

Chin And Neck Retraction


II. Stretching Of Muscle Groups 11

Basic Rules About Stretching 12

GeneralStretching Tips

WarmUp & Cool Down 13

III. Joints 14

Joint Range Of Motion 15

What Is The ‘Normal’ Range Of Body Joint Motion? 15

Joint Tissue Function 17

Joint Health Maintenance & Joint Pain 18

Joint Breakdown Mechanism 19

Joint Repair And Mobility Restoration 19

Mula Bandha 20

Yoga Practice Tips 21

Breathing 25

Importance Of Breathing In Yoga 25

The Diaphragm Muscle 25

Breathing Mechanics 25

How To Breathe 26

What Effects BreathingPatterns 26

Benefits Of Diaphragmatic Breathing 26

Alignment and Positioning 27

Awareness During Asana Practice 29

What may be Experienced from Yoga Practice 30


Yoga literally means ‘to unite with the self’ or ‘become one’. The root word of

yoga is ‘yu¡’, which means to yolk or go within the center. In the simplest terms, yoga is a

practice of uniting the body, thought, and breath for living in the present without ‘suffering’. 

There are 3 fundamental components in the journey of yoga: 

Asana – the practice of static and dynamic body movements to align and balance the

physical components;

Prana – the practice of coordinatingall body and mind activities with the breath;

Dhayana – the practice of focusing thoughts inward, awakening creative awareness, and

relaxing the mind.

Yoga is an ancient art which gives a wealth of knowledge on how to exercise the mind and 

body to unlock the full human potential. Asana practice is one way to achieve this. The

practice of asanas challenges thought and breath patterns. Regular practice of yoga

unites the body, mind, and breath in a synchronous flow. There are many other dimensions

to the discipline of yoga, some of which include: spiritual undertakings, dietary rules,

sound and mantra techniques, awareness of subtle energy levels, etc. All these practices,

including those discussed in this book, are aimed at bringing consciousness to a state of


This book primarily emphasizes the physical aspects of the body - asana and prana. Yoga

is the mother of all physical exercises. It encompasses: flexibility, strength, balance,

coordination, conditioning, cardiovascular training, visceral balancing, and mind-body

fitness. Asanas influence the nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, musculo-skeletal,

endocrine, reproductive, and digestive systems. The systems in the body work in a

harmonious unit where a change in one system manifests a complimentary change in all



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